Meaning for Nur (نور) in quran

Meaning for Nur (نور)

In the translations of Quran, the word “نور” “Nur” has been mistranslated to “Light”, ‘Good and Evil” and so forth.

The Word “Nur” means “one who reveals manifests and uncovers”.” الله نور السماوات و الارض” (Allah is the Nur of the heavens and the earth) means, God is the revealer, the manifester and the uncoverer of the heavens and the earth.


Meaning of Karim (کریم) in quran

Karim (کریم)

The word “کریم“, “Karim” means a person who helps others and gives to them without any expectations.

All creatures are needy because they are bounded and limited. Therefore, all the actions of creatures are for satisfying their needs.

When a creature gives or helps, he certainly expects that one of his needs to be satisfied. In fact, he makes a deal. However, God is needless, and he is the only giver and helpers who gives and helps without any expectations.


Meaning of Samad (صمد) in Quran

Meaning of Samad (صمد) in Quran


The root “Samad” or “صمد” has two meanings: the first is “intention” and the next is a solid object, which is completely saturated, where there is no empty space in it, and has no disorder or harm in itself.

In fact, the first meaning of “Samad” is intending with trust. When it is said: “Samada” or “صَمَدَ …. “ (as a verb: intend) in paradigm of “Nasara” or “نَصَرَ،نصیر” (as a verb: help) it means the person who is intending something, he has trusted somebody.

Imam Sajad (the blessing of God upon him) says: Samad is the One who if He wants to create something just says “Be” then “It is”.


God’s independancy deduces from the second meaning of Samad, the solid thing. A solid object is ultimately perfect and it has no need of another thing to make it more perfect. Thus, it is free from every other things.

The true reality stands behind the “intention”. The first “Al” or “ال” in “Al-Samad” or “الصمد” is the restriction letter.

Samad means independent because He intends the universe then the universe exists: انما امره اذا اراد شیا ان یقول له کن فیکون- “Surely when He intends a thing and says “Be”, then the thing exists.” In Surah Yasin, verse 82. In other words, there is no distance between His will and the happening of His intention. Imam Sajjad (blessing of God upon Him) says: “ ‘صمد’ is One who wants to create a being, just says: “Be!” it comes into being in the universe.” Thus His Being is not dependent to other beings which mean “independency”, since dependency causes need. In fact, man and universe are God’s “intention”, consequently they are not God, and at the same time they are not separated from Him either. Read more about the concept of “Intention” in [1].

The body that we see of ourselves is a virtual image that is generated from the defect of our perceptual channels and we are not able to perceive the real truth of human [2].

Real truth of human is not God, but it is not separate from God, either. As it is said in the verse of “لم یلد و لم یولد” “He neither is produced or issued from something nor produces nor issues something.”

[1] M. Babaee, Translation and Interpretation of Hamd and Tawheed Surah, pp. 68-75, 2013.

[2] M. Babaee, The Inner World, Beyond the Prism of Senses: in Simple Words, pp. 60-63, 2013.


Meaning of Allah (الله)

Meaning of Allah (الله)


 Three roots have been enumerated [1] for “الله”:

1. “اله” means an entity that existence of other things depends on it. For example when a person stands in front of a mirror his image entirely depends on the person being reflected in it. In fact the person is “اله” of his image. So this it is evident from this that in the absence of the person, there would be no image in the mirror.

2. derived from “وله” meaning “being astonished” and that its hamza is the substitute of “واو”.

3. Derived from “اله” which means “reliance to” as well as “dread from”. It means that people escape toward Him (The Almighty).



Allah is One regarding whom all perceptions are being amazed by comprehending His Divine Essence [1].

[1] M. Babaee, Translation and Interpretation of Hamd and Tawheed Surah, pp. 8-16, 2013.


Ahad (احد) Translation and meaning

Ahad (احد)


In fact it is “وحد” which its “و” was changed into “أ” because of alleviation.


Ahad (احد) is sometimes used as a noun (as:احد عشر ) and sometimes is used as adjective. As an adjective it means “uncountable”. Ahad is not synonym of “واحد”. Wherever we say something is “واحد”, it would simply, imply that it does not have the second and third, and so on… . In fact, the word Vahed (واحد) is used for someone or something which is countable. Whereas, Ahad as an adjective, is used for someone or something which is uncountable.

Ahad refers to the Being who is uncountable, unique, and nonpoint. Because God is not in time-space. God is the creator of time and space. Counting only is possible in time-space, where one can be distinguished from another by time or space difference. These concepts are not applicable to God who is not in time-space [1].

[1] M. Babaee, Translation and Interpretation of Hamd and Tawheed Surah, pp. 64-67, 2013.


Religion in Islam

Religion in Islam


Investigating the meaning of the term “دین” ([din]) both etymologically and also by its usage in Quran is an effective step in knowing religions, including Islam. The term “دین” in Arabic language is taken from Semitic language which means law. This term has been also used in Quran with the same meaning.

Quran has used one single term universally and also in a singular and not plural form for all religions and also schools of thought. This will help in a pluralistic account of the religion concept in Islam.  Quran, by using additives such as  “دین الله” [din olläh][1]   or  “دین القیم” [din olq æ jem][2] or “ل” [l][3] has specialized its chosen religion.

In some verses of Quran the term “دین” has been used along with the term “شریعت”  [sh æ ri æ t] rooted from “شرع” [sh æ  r’] which originally means “to clarify or to uncover” and  refers to the clarity of religion.

In Quran it has been indicated that “there is no force (or oppression) in accepting the religion [since] the growth (or develop) is apparent from misleading. “[4]  i.e., in order to understand the religion, there is no need for solving a puzzle and the way of growth is obvious for all people. In another quota[5] the reason has been indicated by defining the religion as: “the divine intrinsic basement which the creation of people is based on it”.

Defining religion as the intrinsic base of creation leaves door open for a scientific interpretation of religion in which it is based on human being’s inherent (genetic) structure. That’s how the religion becomes the way to reach the growth and health and also can be clear for everybody without a need for any mysterious explanation.

[1] Law of God

[2]  Steady religion

[3] Like “the” in English

[4] verse 256 of Baqarah Surah

[5] Verse 30 of Room Surah


Islam: Religion of Health and not Submission

Islam: Religion of Health and not Submission

Islam: Religion of Health :

Name is the main representative of a school of thought, especially about Islam religion, which according to the Muslim’s beliefs, God himself has determined its name in the holy book of Qur’an[1]. Islam mostly has been translated and interpreted as submission. In this article first, based on a theological approach, this interpretation has been challenged. The base of reasoning is that creatures are intrinsically per se submissive to the divine; therefore not being submissive is not possible and insisting on submission as the main representative of a religion from God is not plausible.

Then the meaning of Islam has been investigated from an etymological point of view. The term ‘Islam’ (‘اسلام’) is rooted from ‘سلم’ /s l m/ which means “entering to health” and it has become transitive by taking it to “باب الافعال”. Therefore its literal meaning is “making healthy and giving health”. Then by an inter religion point of view the consistency of this new meaning of Islam will be investigated. The word ‘Islam’ has been used 8 times in Qur’an. In this article the translations of these notations by both submission and health have been compared and consistency of two meanings has been discussed based on which, the meaning of “religion of health” has been inferred. This new meaning shows more consistent translation of Qur’an in comparison with that of submission interpretation. Afterward historically we discuss why this meaning has been concealed throughout the history; the most important reason is the warrior spirit of Muslims during the first decades after its prophet’s death.

Finally we demonstrate how fruitful this new meaning could be which the most significant one is its consistency and alignment with science, since “Health” is a concept that has been targeted in many branches of science like medicine and psychology.
[1] Al imranSurah, verse 85- MaidahSurah, Verse 3





Book Distributions

Book Distributions Reports

Publishing and distribution of Islamic literatures as a gift to society has always been a rule in propagation of Islam. Here is a report of free distributed books by Association for Muslims of United States:

*** Next Book distribution will be held on August 23 in Berlin Mosque, Berlin and Hartford Area Islamic centers and communities.


Student Support Program

Student Support Program

Supported Students

 Muslims of United States Association is honored to support 25 Graduate and Undergraduate students from different majors in the United States as posted here:



Graduate Students

Undergrad Students


University of Massachusetts Amherst


Science, Engineering, Humanity

University of New Hampshire


Science, Engineering

University of Connecticut



University of Massachusetts Dartmouth



University of Massachusetts Lowell



University of Rhode Island



University of Western New England



Engineering, MBA

Hartford University



Humanity, Science

Hofstra University



Central Connecticut State University



University of New Heaven



University Of Bridgeport







Nodbeh, Komeil and Tavasol

Nodbeh, Komeil and Tavasol

Events about community Praying and Quran

Muslims of USA Nodbe, Komail and Tavasol professional performers.

Our professional performing staff are a true gift for us in USA. We hold different events and Islamic talks for interpretations of Quran and praying.

You can find the details about our new events here or email us at from our contact page for the most recent events updates.


Here is a short introduction to our performers:

Our professional religious performers have a good and long experience in performing in different types of religious ceremonies in Iran and for a while here in US. Here in USA they honored us to be with us in our weekly sessions and events to improve the quality of our ceremonies every year. Our volunteers all have been helping us and we have been using their experience to create a more pure, clear and the finest spiritual experience for our members and peoples that come to our events. God bless them.


An Assistant specifically for women programs will be available. We have held events for praying including Nodbeh, Komeil and Tavasol here in US for he last two years and we will be more than happy to have you all with us praying.


Join us

Every Friday Mornings Nodbeh

Every Thursday nights Komeil

Every Tuesday Tavasol

1.  Komeil Doa

Thu,    9-10 PM

2. Nodbeh Doa

Fri,  7:30 AM

For updates and address changes email us at