Boston American Academy of Religion 2

Boston American Academy of Religion

New England & Canadian Maritimes Regional Meeting of the
American Academy of Religion

Religion, Science & Genetics

Monotheistic Religions include series of instructions on which there are two major perspectives. In the non-rational perspective, the reason that one should follow God’s instructions is God’s interest and nothing more, however, in the rational perspective, it is believed that God’s interest implies on a wisdom that brings advantage to us; e.g. sensible aspect of that is mental-physical health. Based on scientific (genetics) reasoning, we support the latter perspective and provide evidences from existing religions.

The seconde presentation :

Necessity of Religion from Genetics Point of View

Evidence exists which suggests that human feelings and attributes do not originate from the human genome alone. Rather, it is possible that a combination of human and virus genes activated in our ancestors. In this way, we can hypothesize that religions – including Islam which means health- are sent to control the feelings and attributes related to these viral genes in an attempt to let the humanities characteristics grow.

Religion, Science & Genetics & Necessity of Religion from Genetics Point of View


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