Entries by adminmus

Book Distributions Reports

Book Distributions Reports On 18 Jun 2015 Book Distributions Reports Publishing and distribution of Islamic literatures as a gift to society has always been a rule in propagation of Islam. Here is a report of free distributed books by Association for Muslims of United States:   *** Next Book distribution will be held on August […]

Seminar entitled “Ablution (Wuzu/ وضوء) in Islam” will be held in Muslims of United States Association

Seminar entitled “Ablution (Wuzu/ وضوء) in Islam” will be held in Muslims of United States Association   On 17 Oct 2013   Nn Friday, October 18th at 7:30 P.M by Dr. Fatemeh Tabatabaei. Participation for everybody in seminar and discussion is permitted.   Address: 97 South Street #116, West Hartford, CT 06110 In this seminar, meaning […]

Interpretation and Translation of “Hamd” and “Towhid” Surah

Interpretation and Translation of “Hamd” and “Towhid” Surah Interpretation and Translation of “Hamd” Surah In this book by translating Hamd surah I have tried to show that Quran is not a puzzle and God has not designed a puzzle instead of guiding people. But displaying Quran as a puzzle is because of ignorance of Quran […]

Islam; the way of health and not submission

Islam; the way of health and not submission Islam – The Way of Health What is the meaning of Islam? Does it mean submission? Islam is religion of health not submission. This book proves literally that Islam does not mean submission at all. Reasoning is based on knowledge, wisdom, and evidence. No scholar is able […]

Alamin “الحمد لله رب العالمین ” meaning in quran

Alamin “الحمد لله رب العالمین ” meaning in quran   Alamin Are you a Muslim? If you say yes, surely you recite سوره الفاتحه /sūrah l-fātiḥah/ several times every day. But Have you ever thought about the meaning of “رب العالمین” /Rabbil ālamin/? In most of the translations, it is translated to “the lord of […]