Entries by adminmus

Meaning of Karim (کریم) in quran

Karim (کریم) The word “کریم“, “Karim” means a person who helps others and gives to them without any expectations. All creatures are needy because they are bounded and limited. Therefore, all the actions of creatures are for satisfying their needs. When a creature gives or helps, he certainly expects that one of his needs to […]

Meaning of Samad (صمد) in Quran

Meaning of Samad (صمد) in Quran Etymology The root “Samad” or “صمد” has two meanings: the first is “intention” and the next is a solid object, which is completely saturated, where there is no empty space in it, and has no disorder or harm in itself. In fact, the first meaning of “Samad” is intending […]

Meaning of Allah (الله)

Meaning of Allah (الله) Etymology  Three roots have been enumerated [1] for “الله”: 1. “اله” means an entity that existence of other things depends on it. For example when a person stands in front of a mirror his image entirely depends on the person being reflected in it. In fact the person is “اله” of […]

Ahad (احد) Translation and meaning

Ahad (احد) Etymology In fact it is “وحد” which its “و” was changed into “أ” because of alleviation. Meaning Ahad (احد) is sometimes used as a noun (as:احد عشر ) and sometimes is used as adjective. As an adjective it means “uncountable”. Ahad is not synonym of “واحد”. Wherever we say something is “واحد”, it […]

Religion in Islam

Religion in Islam Religion: Investigating the meaning of the term “دین” ([din]) both etymologically and also by its usage in Quran is an effective step in knowing religions, including Islam. The term “دین” in Arabic language is taken from Semitic language which means law. This term has been also used in Quran with the same […]

Islam: Religion of Health and not Submission

Islam: Religion of Health and not Submission Islam: Religion of Health : Name is the main representative of a school of thought, especially about Islam religion, which according to the Muslim’s beliefs, God himself has determined its name in the holy book of Qur’an[1]. Islam mostly has been translated and interpreted as submission. In this article […]

Book Distributions

Book Distributions Reports Publishing and distribution of Islamic literatures as a gift to society has always been a rule in propagation of Islam. Here is a report of free distributed books by Association for Muslims of United States: *** Next Book distribution will be held on August 23 in Berlin Mosque, Berlin and Hartford Area […]

Student Support Program

Student Support Program Supported Students  Muslims of United States Association is honored to support 25 Graduate and Undergraduate students from different majors in the United States as posted here:   University Graduate Students Undergrad Students Majors University of Massachusetts Amherst 10 – Science, Engineering, Humanity University of New Hampshire 3 – Science, Engineering University of Connecticut […]

Nodbeh, Komeil and Tavasol

Nodbeh, Komeil and Tavasol Events about community Praying and Quran Muslims of USA Nodbe, Komail and Tavasol professional performers. Our professional performing staff are a true gift for us in USA. We hold different events and Islamic talks for interpretations of Quran and praying. You can find the details about our new events here or […]

Ask our experts anything

Ask our Islam experts anything Here you can ask our islam experts any islamic issues you have As a high level islamic studies academic oganization, one of our concerns is to make the best out of our valuable staff and reseachers for any muslim or non muslim wondering to know about islam the best info […]