Entries by adminmus

Book Distributions

Book Distributions Reports Publishing and distribution of Islamic literatures as a gift to society has always been a rule in propagation of Islam. Here is a report of free distributed books by Association for Muslims of United States: *** Next Book distribution will be held on August 23 in Berlin Mosque, Berlin and Hartford Area […]

Student Support Program

Student Support Program Supported Students  Muslims of United States Association is honored to support 25 Graduate and Undergraduate students from different majors in the United States as posted here:   University Graduate Students Undergrad Students Majors University of Massachusetts Amherst 10 – Science, Engineering, Humanity University of New Hampshire 3 – Science, Engineering University of Connecticut […]

Nodbeh, Komeil and Tavasol

Nodbeh, Komeil and Tavasol Events about community Praying and Quran Muslims of USA Nodbe, Komail and Tavasol professional performers. Our professional performing staff are a true gift for us in USA. We hold different events and Islamic talks for interpretations of Quran and praying. You can find the details about our new events here or […]

Ask our experts anything

Ask our Islam experts anything Here you can ask our islam experts any islamic issues you have As a high level islamic studies academic oganization, one of our concerns is to make the best out of our valuable staff and reseachers for any muslim or non muslim wondering to know about islam the best info […]

Events & gatherings

Events & gatherings   Events in Amherst, Nourthampton and West Mass MA This year we are holding different events for Ramadan and other gaherings to spread peace love and true islam, Click on the posters for more info: – Interfaith spritual music concert event in Umass Amherst 14th April 2016 – Amherst common gathering, ditrobuting […]

Reba or Riba in Islam

Reba or Riba in Islam Research procedure: First we have reviewed the root of word ”Reba” which means abundance, increase and rise. Then we have reviewed the verses of Quran, the main reference of religion of Islam.  In Quran we have found the commandment of prohibition of Reba and we have extracted the general principle […]

Paper Presentation in Baltimore, American Academy of Religion, Islam: Religion of Health and Not Submission

Paper Presentation in Baltimore, American Academy of Religion, Islam: Religion of Health and Not Submission   Muslims of the United States Theme: Islam: Religion of Health and Not Submission Sunday, 2:00 PM–4:00 PM Religion and Genetic Structure Muslims of United States Association Religion in Islam University of Massachusetts Meaning of Islam For additional information, contact […]

Islam: Religion of health, not submission

Islam: Religion of health, not submission SUMMERY OF Islam: Religion of health, not submission Speaker: Bahram Borgheai March 4th 2015,  Umass Amhert Main Questions: There is a significant difference between the entitling of Islam and other religions. Muslims believe that the name ‘Islam’ has been selected by God[1]. What God entitles cannot be without reason. So […]