Entries by adminmus

Islam means Health, the consequences and differentiation

Mohammad Babaee explains the consequences Mohammad Babaee shows what changes when islam is translated to health insted of submisssion In relation to the Book writen by Mohammad babaee : Islam – The way of health and not submission The seminar was held in July 2015 about an important issue in translation distortions in islamic terms […]

Ghusl (Ablution) in islam

Meaning/ Translation of Ghosl (Ablution) in english: ab·lu·tion noun noun: ablution; plural noun: ablutions the act of washing oneself (often used for humorously formal effect). “the women performed their ablutions” a ceremonial act of washing parts of the body or sacred containers. late Middle English: from Latin ablutio(n-), from abluere, from ab- ‘away’ + luere ‘wash.’ The original use was as a term in […]


Topic: charity Date of presentation: 13 June 2013 Translation of sadaghe in english: char·i·ty ˈCHerədē/ meaning of charity: noun noun: charity; plural noun: charities 1. the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need. synonyms: financial assistance, aid, welfare, relief, financial relief; help or money given voluntarily to those in need. “an unemployed teacher living […]

Ablution in Islam

Ablution in Islam Meaning/ Translation of Ghosl/Vozu (Ablution) in english: ab·lu·tion noun noun: ablution; plural noun: ablutions the act of washing oneself (often used for humorously formal effect). “the women performed their ablutions” a ceremonial act of washing parts of the body or sacred containers. late Middle English: from Latin ablutio(n-), from abluere, from ab- […]

Book Distributions Reports

Publishing and distribution of Islamic literatures as a gift to society has always been a rule in propagation of Islam. Here is a report of free distributed books by Association for Muslims of United States: *** Next Book distribution will be held on August 23 in Berlin Mosque, Berlin and Hartford Area Islamic centers and […]

Student Support Program

Muslims of United States Association is honored to support 25 Graduate and Undergraduate students from different majors in the United States as posted here: University Graduate Students Undergrad Students Majors University of Massachusetts Amherst 10 – Science, Engineering, Humanity University of New Hampshire 3 – Science, Engineering University of Connecticut 1 – Science University of Massachusetts […]

Ask our Islam experts anything

Here you can ask our islam experts any islamic issues you have As a high level islamic studies academic oganization, one of our concerns is to make the best out of our valuable staff and reseachers for any muslim or non muslim wondering to know about islam the best info an advise about islam. You […]

Events & gatherings

This year we are holding different events for Ramadan and other gaherings to spread peace love and true islam, Click on the posters for more info: – Interfaith spritual music concert event in Umass Amherst 14th April 2016  – Amherst common gathering, ditrobuting and donating books and celebrating Rajab 09th April 2016 – Iftar event for  25 […]