Talk about superstitions & violence in islam

Talk about superstitions & violence in islam

  • On 21 Oct 2016

Talk about superstitions & violence in islam

We just had a very nice talk/ seminar about how superstitions controbute to the wrong violent and ignorant actions in name of islam. as muslims it is one of our main duties to understand how our believes are shaped and how healthy we think and understand subjects. Thats why we hold these events and talks to go deeper into what has shaped what we belive and how close we are to the true islam and what health means in islam as a core believe.

for future events make sure join our email list and website and let us know you are interested.

God be with you


Watch our videos in Revealer TV

Watch our videos in Revealer TV

  • On 20 Oct 2016

Watch our videos in Revealer TV

join us in revealer TV in youtube and watch our videos about islam and quran keywords.

our recent gatherings, Doa and quran reading

our recent gatherings, Doa and quran reading

  • On 20 Oct 2016

Our recent gatherings, Doa and quran reading


We held Quran reading sessions and Doa in Moharam. Its always nice to see people of the community and get along, pray and renew our relations. we invite you all in mass to join us in gatherings and events and meet every month or week.

Amherst, muslims gather to celebrate the eid

Amherst, muslims gather to celebrate the eid

  • On 11 Sep 2016

Amherst, muslims gather to celebrate the eid


Western Mass muslims gathered in amherst-ma to celebrate the eid, talk and spend some peacful time together.


Happy Al-Ghadeer Eid

Happy Al-Ghadeer Eid

  • On 17 Sep 2016

Happy Al-Ghadeer Eid

There will be a celebration ceremony on the eid day. join us everybody and let’s celebrate and have a peaceful day.

What happened in Fitr celebration 2016 (photos)

What happened in Fitr celebration 2016 (photos)

08 Jul 2016

Fitr poster:

Here are so photos from Al-Fitr eid in amherst common MA

Al Fitr Eid of Ramadan 2016

Al Fitr Eid of Ramadan 2016

  • On 24 Jun 2016

Al Fitr Eid of Ramadan 2016

Fitr is the celebration of health


Join us and show everybody that true Islam is only about spreading health and peace in all aspects.

Muslims of USA IRH is holding a celebration at the end of Ramadan in Amherst common located in Amherst center

Join us and lets celebrate eid of health after one month of trying to be and become a healthy version of ourselves.

There will be food and refreshments


Muslims of US classes to Learn quran for women

Muslims of US classes to Learn Quran for women

  • On 01 May 2016

Muslims of US classes to Learn Quran and understand the true meanings of Quran

In these classes that are only for women, you can get to know the true meaning of Quran translations and interpretations. Also, Basics and essentials of Quran will be thought.


To get more Info and apply for the classes please email us to this email :

The teacher and instructor is also assisting for all Quran classes for women.
Read more in social activities

Amherst common gathering, distributing and donating books

Amherst common gathering, distributing and donating books

  • On 10 Apr 2016

Gathering, distributing and donating books.

April 9th Amherst Common.