Interfaith concert 2016 in UMASS Amherst

Interfaith concert 2016 in UMASS Amherst

  • On 08 Apr 2016

Interfaith Concert

“Interfaith concert” is an interfaith event in which music bands from different religions perform their sacred songs in a single concert. In spite of many other interfaith events in which people just discuss and talk about their beliefs, the idea behind this event is to unite different religions with the help of the common language of music and gather them around religious experience rather than belief.  We think that the experience people gain through performing sacred music is common in different religion, though in verified belief systems.


Walking about the Valley Band

Islam :

Unity band from Muslims of United States Inc.

www.muslims-us org/pages/unity-music-band.html 

Judaism :

Jewish Community Band


The Story of The Forgotten Religion

The Story of The Forgotten Religion

  • On 07 Jan 2016

Watch our new video we have just published.

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The Story of The Forgotten Religion

717 people died and 863 were injured in a stampede near the holy city of Mecca on Thursday.

717 people died and 863 were injured in a stampede near the holy city of Mecca on Thursday.

  • On 21 Nov 2015

May there be a world in which wisdom and knowledge is widespread and ignorance and unawareness is eradicated. The Hajj, is one of the most important rituals of Muslims. However, the Quran, Muslim’s holy book, has mentioned some conditions for performing it. If any of those conditions is not satisfied, the Hajj is not mandatory and the Muslims person shouldn’t perform the Hajj.


717 people died and 863 were injured in a stampede near the holy city of Mecca on Thursday.

One of these pre-conditions of Hajj is: The person should be in a good financial condition meaning that no one in his family or neighborhood should be in financial need. If anyone in the Muslim’s person family or neighborhood is in financial need, he is prohibited to go to Hajj.

Unfortunately, wrong and deceitful mis-advertisings has changed this ritual and has made it an illegal source of income for Saudi Arabia by fooling poor people. This religious abuse has reached to an extent that, the Saudi Arabian government, doesn’t believe that their government is in charge of pilgrims’ security and welfare. Because they’ve understood that even if there is thousands of dead people in the land of revelation of Quran, no one will stop performing the Hajj in their country. We protest against the Saudi Arabian government and religious leaders because of current disasters in the world and ask Muslims around the world to strike against this religious abuse and boycott performing of the non-mandatory Hajj. So we can alleviate ignorance and unawareness in a global movement.


Mobarak Rabi-al-aval and donation for Muslims

Mobarak Rabi-al-aval and donation for Muslims

  • On 23 Dec 2015

Muslims of United States IRH as an Islamic non-profit organization which considers supporting Muslims community on all aspects including financial emergency needs, as a fortune of entering Rabi-al-aval will accept donations for helping other members of community and will devote collected donations for covering financial needs of the most deprived members of our community based on application forms will be received by 12/24/2015.

Please help other Muslims with your donations in this mobarak month of Rabi-al-aval and just apply if you can justify your needs as emergency needs. Selected applications will be contacted based on funds availability.


IRH Association strongly condemns Paris Terrorist Attacks.

IRH Association strongly condemns Paris Terrorist Attacks.

  • On 15 Nov 2015

IRH Association strongly condemns Paris Terrorist Attacks.

Watch the videos and help us spread peace

Lets Pray for Paris
The best way of stopping terrorism is fighting the idea behind it.
We believe Ignorance is the main root of Islamic Terrorism and its our main goal to eliminate Ignorance from all Muslims Communities.

#Paris #terror #isis #islamicterror

Join IRH Muslims of us Peace Campain

Join IRH Muslims of us Peace Campain

  • On 03 Nov 2015

Join IRH Muslims of us Peace CampaignPeace islam muslim usa

All our projects are to make a more peaceful world. But it’s only in a peaceful world that our educating, knowlege spreadign and humanitarian projects can make a lasting impact. It is not true that a sound of a single bomb is lauder than sound of wisdom but it can distract people from follownig the way of knowlege and visdom.

Revealer TV started publishing videos

Revealer TV started publishing videos

  • On 15 Oct 2015


Muslims of usa association is planning to build a modern mosque

Muslims of usa association is planning to build a modern mosque

On 13 Sep 2015
Muslims of usa association is planning to build a modern mosque


We are gathering architechtural designers, muslim students expert in design, material, structure and sustainability to research and build a modern musque in new england area.

Alresala mosque

fo more info to joun us in this project please contact us with info @

Amherst July 2015, Iftar by Muslims of us IRH

What happened in Amherst July 2015, Iftar by Muslims of us IRH

  • On 13 Jul 2015

Here you can see the photo album of our Iftar event held in Amhest Common

GO TO Gallery

IFTAR in Amherst 2015

Read more here