Book Distributions Reports

Book Distributions Reports

  • On 18 Jun 2015

Book Distributions Reports

Publishing and distribution of Islamic literatures as a gift to society has always been a rule in propagation of Islam. Here is a report of free distributed books by Association for Muslims of United States:


*** Next Book distribution will be held on August 23 in Berlin Mosque, Berlin and Hartford Area Islamic centers and communities.

“Vow (Nazr) in Islam” Seminar in Muslims of United States Association

“Vow (Nazr) in Islam” Seminar in Muslims of United States Association

  • On 31 Oct 2013

Seminar entitled “Vown(Nazr/ ندر) in Islam” will be held in Muslims of United States Association on Saturday, November 2nd at 6:00 P.M by Mr. Daemi.


Seminar entitled “Ablution (Wuzu/ وضوء) in Islam” will be held in Muslims of United States Association

Seminar entitled “Ablution (Wuzu/ وضوء) in Islam” will be held in Muslims of United States Association


  • On 17 Oct 2013


Nn Friday, October 18th at 7:30 P.M by Dr. Fatemeh Tabatabaei.

Participation for everybody in seminar and discussion is permitted.


Address: 97 South Street #116, West Hartford, CT 06110

In this seminar, meaning of Wuzu, translation of Wuzu verse in Quran and its interpretation from different Shi’a and Sunni sources along with Hadiths about it is being fully discussed and differentiations between denominations is being cited.


Muslims of US has just bought the Islam – The way of health

Muslims of US has just bought the Islam – The way of health

  • On 13 Sep 2013

Muslims of US has just bought the Islam – The way of health and as a part of our contribution to muslims communities, our mission to improve muslims knowlege and awareness and introducing the truth of islam to the world as a part of the enlightening project, we decided to make Islam – The way of health available to download for free at

You can download the whole PDF Version of the book Here for free.

You can do it on Mohammad Babaee’s books website too!

You can help Muslims-US by Donating for the book Here on our Website.

Download Here for free 

This version of the book is free and ready to download under copy rights held by muslims-us.

Any commercial use without contacting muslims-us is illegal.

If you are interested in participating to make this valuable book available in other forms and places please contact us.



27 rajab celebration

27 rajab celebration

  • On 25 Apr 2017

WE celebrate this day every year because Mohammad’s starting being prophecy