In muslims of US IRH we held as we always do, some gathering and events following the DEATH ANNIVERSARY OF HOLY PROPHET. We prayed and gathered in remembrance of the HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD. 
Death Anniversary of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad al-Mustafa
Name: Muhammad
Title: al-Mustafa; Rasul Allah
Kunya: Abul Qasim
Father: Abdullah ibn Abd al-Mutallib
Mother: Amina bint Wahhab
Born: 12th or 17th Rabi’ al-Awwal, Year of the Elephant/570 CE in Makkah, Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula
Died: 28th Safar, 11 AH/632 CE
Age at Death: 63
Buried: Madinah, Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula
A little background:
The Prophet was born fifty three years before the beginning of the hegira calendar in Mecca in the Hijaz amidst the family of Bany Hashim of the Tribe of Quraysh, who were considered the most honored of the Arab families.
His father was called ’Abdallah and his mother, Aminah. He lost both parents at the beginning of childhood and was placed under the care of his paternal grandfather, ’Abd al-Muttalib, who also soon passed away. At this time the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Talib, took charge of him and became his guardian, taking him into his own house.
The Prophet had not received any schooling and therefore did not know how to read and write. Yet, after reaching the age of maturity he became famous for his wisdom, courtesy, and trustworthiness. As a result of his sagacity and trustworthiness, one of the women of the tribe of Quraysh, well-known for her wealth, appointed him as the custodian of her possessions and left in his hands the task of conducting her commercial affairs.
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