Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims In Amherst, MA 2019

Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims In Amherst, MA 2019

Muslims of US IRH, Amherst, MA – AUG 2019

As every muslim knows, Eid al-Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to follow Allah’s (God’s) command to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Muslims around the world observe this event.

Eid al-Adha 2019 in United States of America began in the evening of

Saturday, August 10
and ended in the evening of
Sunday, August 11
Dates may vary.

In Muslims of us irh we had a celebration as we do every year, and gathered together, and had a very nice time praying and remembering what it means to be healthy and happy as Islam teach us to be.

If you want to know more about Eid al-Adha read more here:

Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎, translit. ʿīd al-aḍḥā, lit. ‘Feast of the Sacrifice’‎, [ʕiːd ælˈʔɑdˤħæː]), also called the “Sacrifice Feast”, is the second of two Muslim holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of obedience to God’s command. Before he sacrificed his son God intervened by sending his angel Jibra’il (Gabriel), who then put a lamb in his son’s place.

In commemoration of this, an animal is sacrificed and divided into three parts: one third of the share is given to the poor and needy; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is retained by the family.

In the Islamic lunar calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah. In the international (Gregorian) calendar, the dates vary from year to year drifting approximately 11 days earlier each year.

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr, Eid Mubarak!

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr, Eid Mubarak!

Many Muslims in the United States celebrate Eid al-Fitr (also known as Id al-Fitr or Eid ul-Fitr) on the first day of Shawwal in the Islamic calendar. It marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan and the start of a feast that lasts up to three days in some countries.

Eid al-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر‎ ʻĪd al-Fiṭr, IPA: [ʕiːd al fitˤr])[2] is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm). This religious Eid (Muslim religious festival) is the first and only day in the month of Shawwal during which Muslims are not permitted to fast. The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan


Is Eid al-Fitr a Public Holiday?
Eid al-Fitr is not a public holiday. Businesses have normal opening hours.

Laylat al Qadr 2019

Laylat al Qadr 2019

On Laylat al Qadr we all gather and pray for mercy. Laylat al Qadr is also known as the Night of Power or the Night of Destiny. It commemorates when Koran (Qur’an) was revealed to the prophet Muhammad (also known as Mohammad). Muslims in the United States celebrate the event, also spelled as Laylat al-Qadr or Shab-e-Qadr, on one of the last 10 days of the Islamic month of Ramadan.

What Do People Do?
Laylat al Qadr marks the time when the Koran’s first verses were revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammed. It is also believed that this night marks their fate in the following year. Therefore, many Muslims pray in the night to God for mercy, forgiveness, and salvation. This practice is also called Ehyaa.

This “Night of Power” is considered the most appropriate time of the entire year to pray for salvation and blessings. It is believed that a Muslim’s past sins are forgiven if the person prays throughout this night. Many people assemble at mosques during the Isha’ prayer, with many prayers being made until midnight.




Ramadan 2019 in United States to begin today

Ramadan 2019 in United States to begin today

The Quran describes this singular evening of worship as “better than a thousand months.”

Ramadan 2019 in United States will begin in the evening of


May 5

and ends in the evening of


June 4
Dates may vary.
The tradition began in the seventh century and commemorates the month when the Prophet Mohammed retreated to a cave north of Mecca for spiritual contemplation.
Each year since, Ramadan’s weeks of spiritual introspection build toward Laylat al-Qadr, or the “Night of Power,” believed to be the holiest night of the year, according to BeliefNet. Shia Muslims recognize it as the 23rd night of Ramadan, while the Sunni observe it on the 27th night of the month.
The Quran describes this singular evening of worship as “better than a thousand months.” It marks the day when Muslims believe the angel Gabriel began giving Mohammed revelations from God.

Rajab is ending and our final wishes and doas

Rajab is ending and our final wishes and doas

The month of Rajab, which is the seventh month of the Islamic lunar calendar, is a blessed month as a whole. It was regarded as one of the four sacred months (al-Ashhur al-Hurum) in which battles were prohibited in the time of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace).

Allah Most High says:

“The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year) so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth. Of them four are sacred.” (Surah al-Tawbah, 9:36)

All we need in rajab is peace and being peaceful not only to one another but within ourselves.

We wish you had a good rajab and have a healthy road of event ahead of you now that rajab is ending.

We pray for on another to have a blessing Shaban and Ramadan. Be the best version of our selves and help others to gain to their best as well.

We wish all wars in the world ends and everybody lives a peaceful and lovely life on earth.

See every moment as the last moment you have to appreciate life and your healthiness and do the best thing for you and your family and your community and your world.

27th Rajab Mobarak

27th Rajab Mobarak

27th Rajab is a highly blessed night / day called ‘laylat al-mab`ath’,which stands for the beginning of the Holy Prophet’s Mission of promulgating the true religion of Almighty Allah On this day, the Holy Prophet (saws)was appointed for conveying the Divine Mission of Almighty Allah when Archangel Gabriel first came to him with the Divine Revelation. Many muslims around the world have Ghusl (bath) on this day.& observe Fasting.

Happy First Day of Rajab 2019, Rajab Mubarak!

Happy First Day of Rajab 2019, Rajab Mubarak!

Happy rajab 2019 Date

8-Mar-2019 Friday 1-Rajab-1440

Rajab Mubarak!

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillah, today is the first day of the sacred month of Rajab. As we every year do, we celebrated this years RAJAB’s first day in our community in West Mass and had doa and Quran reading ceremonies.


More about Rajab:

Rajab (Arabic: رجب‎) is the seventh month of the Islamic calendar. The lexical definition of Rajaba is “to respect”, of which Rajab is a derivative. This month is regarded as one of the four sacred months in Islam in which battles are prohibited. The pre-Islamic Arabs also considered warfare blasphemous during the four months.[citation needed]

Muslims believe Rajab is the month in which ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib, the first Imam of Shia Islam and Fourth Caliph of Sunni Islam, was born inside the Kaaba, the most sacred place of worship for Muslims. Rajab is also the month during which Isra’ Mi’raj (journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven) of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, took place.

Rajab and Shaʿbān are a prelude to the holy month of Ramaḍān.

(قال رسول الله (ص
رَجَبٌ شَهرُ اللّه ِ الأصَبُّ يَصُبُّ اللّه ُ فِيهِ الرَّحمَةَ عَلى عِبادِهِ

The prophet Mohammad:

Rajab is the month of god and gods blessing to all. God rains down his blessings on people.




Wish Everybody A Happy 2019

Wish Everybody A Happy 2019

2019 New year

The last hours of the year 2018 is a good time for looking back at all that happened in the past year and remember the joys, the frustrations and the blessings that accrued for each one of us in the past year. And thank god for every moment of it.
A lot can happen in a year and as fireworks explode into the sky, it’s important to recognize the special symbolism this holiday brings with it. A new movement and a new start toward our holly goals. A time of new beginnings and fresh starts also comes with a time of reflection.
It is a good time to wish and pray for the year ahead. A year full of blessings and joy for each other.
Wish you all have a happy new year
Muslims of US



In muslims of US IRH we are holding some gathering and events following the DEATH ANNIVERSARY OF HOLY PROPHET. For final dates and hours make sure to be joined inour mailing/emailing list and /or contact us by email. We will be praying and gathering in remembrance of the HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD.

Death Anniversary of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad al-Mustafa

Name: Muhammad
Title: al-Mustafa; Rasul Allah
Kunya: Abul Qasim
Father: Abdullah ibn Abd al-Mutallib
Mother: Amina bint Wahhab
Born: 12th or 17th Rabi’ al-Awwal, Year of the Elephant/570 CE in Makkah, Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula
Died: 28th Safar, 11 AH/632 CE
Age at Death: 63
Buried: Madinah, Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula

A little background:

The Prophet was born fifty three years before the beginning of the hegira calendar in Mecca in the Hijaz amidst the family of Bany Hashim of the Tribe of Quraysh, who were considered the most honored of the Arab families.

His father was called ’Abdallah and his mother, Aminah. He lost both parents at the beginning of childhood and was placed under the care of his paternal grandfather, ’Abd al-Muttalib, who also soon passed away. At this time the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Talib, took charge of him and became his guardian, taking him into his own house.

The Prophet had not received any schooling and therefore did not know how to read and write. Yet, after reaching the age of maturity he became famous for his wisdom, courtesy, and trustworthiness. As a result of his sagacity and trustworthiness, one of the women of the tribe of Quraysh, well-known for her wealth, appointed him as the custodian of her possessions and left in his hands the task of conducting her commercial affairs.


The following days are going to be our events and gatherings: Nov 7th, 8th

Happy Eid al-Adha | Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎, ‘Feast of the Sacrifice’‎

Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims

Eid al-Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to follow Allah’s (God’s) command to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Muslims around the world observe this event.

Eid al-Adha 2018 in United States of America began in the evening of

August 20

and ended in the evening of

August 21
Dates may vary.

In Muslims of us irh we had a celebration and gathered together. and had a very nice time

If you want to know more about Eid al-Adha read more here:

Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎, translit. ʿīd al-aḍḥā, lit. ‘Feast of the Sacrifice’‎, [ʕiːd ælˈʔɑdˤħæː]), also called the “Sacrifice Feast”, is the second of two Muslim holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of obedience to God’s command. Before he sacrificed his son God intervened by sending his angel Jibra’il (Gabriel), who then put a lamb in his son’s place.

In commemoration of this, an animal is sacrificed and divided into three parts: one third of the share is given to the poor and needy; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is retained by the family.

In the Islamic lunar calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah. In the international (Gregorian) calendar, the dates vary from year to year drifting approximately 11 days earlier each year.