Birth Anniversary of Sayyida Zaynab (p)

Muslims of United States (IRH) held an event to recall and show respect the birth anniversary of Sayyida Zaynab (p).

We celebrated this joyous occasion first by a recitation from Holly Quran and serving cookies and food. In addition, imam of the organization, Mohammad Bababee, gave a keynote speech about exemplary life of lady Zaynab. He brought up the key role that she played in tragedy of Ashura and emphasized on how a woman can be influential during critical moments. Mohammad Babaee spoke about the answer of lady Zaynab when it was asked “how did you view God’s work with your brother?” and she responded back “I saw nothing but beauty in the work of God”. This impressive response in her sermon is showing how perspective of our lady is inspiring given the fact that her brother had been martyred by his enemies at that time being.

Happy Al-ghadir to all

Happy Al-ghadir is here finally!


At Ghadir Khumm 2017
Saturday, September 9
We had a warm nice gathering in west mass as always in such ocasions and celebrations aslong the muslim community here and  celeberetaed.  We celebrate all muslims eyds every year. you can join us too. for being informed about next event make sure to contact us by email to be included in event listing.

What is Al-ghadir?

The event of Ghadir Khumm (Arabic and Persian: واقعه غدیر خم) took place in February 632. It was where, among other things, the Islamic prophet Muhammad reportedly announced that “to whomsoever I am Mawla, Ali is also their Mawla.” Shia Muslims believe this to be the appointment of Ali as Muhammad’s successor. Most Muslims accept the historicity of the event, but not all believe that this constituted an appointment of Ali as the successor to the Prophet, since the word Mawla can have many meanings. The day’s anniversary in the Islamic Calendar (18 Dhu al-Hijjah) is celebrated by Shias as Eid al-Ghadeer.

Events & gatherings

Events & gatherings


Events in Amherst, Nourthampton and West Mass MA

This year we are holding different events for Ramadan and other gaherings to spread peace love and true islam, Click on the posters for more info:

– Interfaith spritual music concert event in Umass Amherst 14th April 2016

– Amherst common gathering, ditrobuting and donating books and celebrating Rajab 09th April 2016

– Iftar event for 25 Ramadan 12 July 2015

– The Fitr celebration and the contest for the same day at our fitr event on 17 july friday 4-6 pm