News and activities
All 168

Healthy Ways to Break Your Fast During Ramadan
Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a sacred…
March 7, 2025/by adminmus
Ramadan Mubarak: A Time for Reflection, Community, and Spiritual Growth
As the blessed month of Ramadan approaches, we at the Muslims…
March 1, 2025/by adminmus
Celebrating the 15th of Sha’ban: A Joyous Occasion for All
Happy 15th of Sha’ban!
We congratulate the Muslim community…
February 14, 2025/by adminmusWe congratulate the Muslim community…

The Month of Sha’ban: A Sacred Opportunity for Growth
At last, the blessed month of Sha’ban is upon us—one of the…
January 30, 2025/by adminmus
Eid al-Mab’ath
We warmly celebrate the blessed occasion of Eid al-Mab’ath.…
January 27, 2025/by adminmus
A Message of Support for Those Affected by the Southern California Fires
In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
January 8, 2025/by adminmusWith…

Laylat al-Ragha’ib: The Night of Wishes
Laylat al-Ragha'ib, often referred to as the "Night of Wishes,"…
January 2, 2025/by adminmus
Embrace Rajab: A Month of Sacred Opportunities
Rajab, the seventh month of the Islamic calendar, is one of the…
January 1, 2025/by adminmus
The Forgotten Religion: An Exploration of Islam’s Timeless Truths
The Forgotten Religion: A Poetic Exploration of Islam's Timeless…
December 16, 2024/by adminmus
Meaning of Zolm in Islam… #god #islam #Quran #Zolm #zalama
Here is our new videos in Tiktok. watch and follow for new updates.
August 17, 2024/by adminmusmeaning…

Eid al-Ghadir Mubarak from Muslims-US IRH (Islam, Religion of Health)!
A Celebration of Guidance and Light
Dear brothers and sisters…
June 23, 2024/by adminmusDear brothers and sisters…

The real meaning of Torment, torture and agony in Islam
New Video: The real meaning of Torment, torture and agony in…
June 20, 2024/by adminmus
Eid Mubarak! Celebrating Eid al-Adha with IRH
From the Muslims of the Islam Religion of Health (IRH) in the…
June 10, 2024/by adminmus
New Videos in our TikTok
Checkout Muslims US IRH at Tiktok we got some updates for you.
May 21, 2024/by adminmusNew…

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr at Muslims US IRH: A Joyous Culmination of Ramadan
Celebrating Eid al-Fitr at Muslims US IRH: A Joyous Culmination…
April 10, 2024/by adminmus
Embracing the Holiness of Ramadan 2024 with Muslims US Association IRH
Embracing the Holiness of Ramadan 2024 with Muslims US Association…
March 27, 2024/by adminmus
Embracing Ramadan 2024: A Sacred Journey of Spiritual Renewal
Embracing Ramadan 2024: A Sacred Journey of Spiritual Renewal
March 12, 2024/by adminmusAs…

The Tale of the Forgotten Religion of Health: A Tale of Lost Wisdom
The Tale of the Forgotten Religion of Health: A Tale of Lost…
January 27, 2024/by adminmus
13th Rajab 2024
13th Rajab 2024
In the Islamic calendar, the 13th day holds…
January 26, 2024/by adminmusIn the Islamic calendar, the 13th day holds…

Join us on TIKTOK
Join RevealerT on TIKTOK
Join us on Tiktok as we are planning…
January 24, 2024/by adminmusJoin us on Tiktok as we are planning…

New Video: The journey of Self Awareness! Where to begin?
The journey of Self Awareness! Where to begin?
January 24, 2024/by adminmusht…

Rajab 2024 is here!!! Join Muslims of United States IRH
Embracing the Sacred Month of Rajab: A Time of Spiritual Reflection…
January 16, 2024/by adminmus
Sacred Month of Rajab 2024 Is Approaching!
🌙 Get Ready for the Sacred Month of Rajab 2024! 🌙
November 23, 2023/by adminmusDear…

Islam Is Peace, Compassion, and Respect for Humanity
Islam: A Religion of Peace, Compassion, and Respect for Humanity
November 13, 2023/by adminmusIslam,…

Vibrant Muslim community
As a vibrant Muslim community, we come together regularly online…
November 5, 2023/by adminmus
Rajab, Shaban, and Ramadan Approaching
Rajab, Shaban, and Ramadan approaching
As the months of Rajab,…
October 28, 2023/by adminmusAs the months of Rajab,…

Announcement for Ramadan
🌙 Exciting Announcement for Ramadan 2023! 🌙
Dear Beloved…
March 13, 2023/by adminmusDear Beloved…

Ready for the Sacred Month of Rajab?
🌙 Get Ready for the Sacred Month of Rajab 2023! 🌙
January 3, 2023/by adminmusDear…

Celebration of the Eid –e-Mab’as
Celebration of the Eid –e-Mab'as
Celebration on the Eid –e-Mab'as",…
March 1, 2022/by adminmusCelebration on the Eid –e-Mab'as",…

Happy Rajab 2022, Rajab Mubarak!
Happy Rajab 2022, Rajab Mubarak!
Rajab Mubarak!
In the name…
February 10, 2022/by adminmusRajab Mubarak!
In the name…

Mawlid an-Nabawi
Mawlid an-Nabawi
Across the globe, including in the United States,…
October 24, 2021/by adminmusAcross the globe, including in the United States,…

New Lessons are up in Quran keywords online courses
We just added new video in Quran keywords online courses with…
August 21, 2021/by adminmus
The Reality of Quran By Mohammad Babaee | Available to download
The Reality of Quran…
July 28, 2021/by adminmusThe Reality of Quran…

Happy Eid-al-Adha for all Muslims around the world
Muslims of United States (IRH) wishes happy Eid-al-Adha for all…
July 19, 2021/by adminmus
The Reality of Quran By Mohammad Babaee
The Reality of Quran By Mohammad Babaee | Soon to be available…
July 18, 2021/by adminmus
Eid alfitr 2021
Eid Alfitr 2021
Based on accurate astronomical calculations,…
May 12, 2021/by adminmusBased on accurate astronomical calculations,…

End Of Ramadan, & How you can find out.
End Of Ramadan, & How you can find out.
At the time of…
May 9, 2021/by adminmusAt the time of…
![Ramadan wallpaper 2_thumb[1]](
Ramadan Mubarak
Ramadan Mobarak
Ramadan 2021 in United States began in the…
April 15, 2021/by adminmusRamadan 2021 in United States began in the…

New video in Quran keywords online courses with M.Babaee
We just added new video in Quran keywords online courses with…
April 10, 2021/by adminmus
Mobarak Eid al-Mab’ath: The Prophecy of Prophet Mohammad
Eid al-Mab’ath: The Prophecy of Prophet Mohammad
March 10, 2021/by adminmusCelebration…

Happy 13 Rajab 2021
Happy 13 Rajab 2021
13/Rajab/1442 February 25, 2021 Thursday
February 25, 2021/by adminmus13/Rajab/1442 February 25, 2021 Thursday

Happy Rajab 2021, Rajab Mubarak!
Happy Rajab 2021, Rajab Mubarak!
Happy rajab 2021 Date
February 15, 2021/by adminmusHappy rajab 2021 Date

New video: Farsi | The first step to understand god
The first step to understand god
February 2, 2021/by adminmushttps://www.yout…

Thanks to volunteers we have made updates to our website and contents
Thanks to volunteers we have made updates to our website and…
February 1, 2021/by adminmus
Online Classes by M.Babaee & Zoom Virtual Gatherings
Online Classes by M.Babaee on + Zoom Virtual…
December 11, 2020/by adminmus
Eid al-Ghadir Mubarak
Eid al-Ghadir Mubarak to all Muslims across the world!
August 8, 2020/by adminmus
Happy Eid al-Adha
Muslims of United States (IRH) wishes happy Eid-al-Adha for all…
July 31, 2020/by adminmus
Happy Eda-Al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr is one of the most important events in the religious…
May 26, 2020/by adminmus
Laylat Al Qadr – 2020
Laylat Al Qadr is considered the holiest night of the year for…
May 15, 2020/by adminmus
Martyrdom of Imam Ali
In Shia, the saints are the 12 successors after Prophet Muhammad.…
May 15, 2020/by adminmus
Ramadan Mubarak
Ramadan starts on Thursday, April 23, 2020 in the United States.
April 26, 2020/by adminmusThe…

Coronavirus is a scourge, an exam or an opportunity
Coronavirus is a scourge,
or an exam,
or an opportunity
March 31, 2020/by adminmusor an exam,
or an opportunity

Eid al-Mab’ath: The Prophecy of Prophet Mohammad
Eid Mubarak We wish all happy and blessed Muhammad's first revelation.…
March 22, 2020/by adminmus
Happy birthday Imam Ali
Muslims of United States (IRH) celebrated Imam Ali’s Birthday…
March 14, 2020/by adminmus
Heartbreaking Plane Crash
Our deepest condolences to the friends and families of those…
January 12, 2020/by adminmus
Birth Anniversary of Sayyida Zaynab (p)
Muslims of United States (IRH) held an event to recall and show…
January 1, 2020/by adminmus
Happy New Year 2020!
Muslims of US (IRH) wishes everyone a Happy New Year!
December 31, 2019/by adminmusMay…

Merry Christmas Greetings
Merry Christmas
Happy splendid and miraculous birth…
December 25, 2019/by adminmusHappy splendid and miraculous birth…

Muhammad’s (The Prophet) Birthday Mobarak
Muhammad's (The Prophet) Birthday Mobarak
November 15, 2019/by adminmusMohammad…

In muslims of US IRH we…
October 28, 2019/by adminmusIn muslims of US IRH we…

Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims In Amherst, MA 2019
Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims…
August 16, 2019/by adminmusCelebrating Eid al-Fitr, Eid Mubarak!
Celebrating Eid al-Fitr, Eid Mubarak!
Many Muslims in the…
June 4, 2019/by adminmusMany Muslims in the…

Laylat al Qadr 2019
Laylat al Qadr 2019
On Laylat al Qadr we all gather and pray…
May 24, 2019/by adminmusOn Laylat al Qadr we all gather and pray…

Ramadan 2019 in United States to begin today
Ramadan 2019 in United States to begin today
The Quran describes…
May 5, 2019/by adminmusThe Quran describes…

Rajab is ending and our final wishes and doas
Rajab is ending and our final wishes and doas
The month…
April 4, 2019/by adminmusThe month…

27th Rajab Mobarak
27th Rajab Mobarak
27th Rajab is a highly blessed night…
April 1, 2019/by adminmus27th Rajab is a highly blessed night…

Happy First Day of Rajab 2019, Rajab Mubarak!
Happy First Day of Rajab 2019, Rajab Mubarak!
Happy rajab 2019…
March 16, 2019/by adminmusHappy rajab 2019…

Wish Everybody A Happy 2019
Wish Everybody A Happy 2019
The last hours of the year 2018…
December 31, 2018/by adminmusThe last hours of the year 2018…
In muslims…
November 6, 2018/by adminmusIn muslims…

Happy Eid al-Adha | Arabic: عيد الأضحى, ‘Feast of the Sacrifice’
Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims
August 25, 2018/by adminmusEid…

Eid al-Fitr celebrated in Western Mass
The holy Ramadan has ended with Eid al-Fitr to celebrate
June 15, 2018/by adminmusEid…

Eid al-Fitr, a day of joyous prayer, fasting and celebration.
THE holy month of fasting is about to end with Eid al-Fitr
June 14, 2018/by adminmusEid…
![Ramadan wallpaper 2_thumb[1]](
Happy Ramadan 2018
Happy Ramadan 2018
Ramadan Kareem is one of the holiest months…
May 16, 2018/by adminmusRamadan Kareem is one of the holiest months…

Happy Rajab 2018, Rajab Mubarak!
Happy rajab
On 19 Mar 2018
Rajab Mubarak!
In the…
March 25, 2018/by adminmusOn 19 Mar 2018
Rajab Mubarak!
In the…

Donation Event; Help our Community to Live in Better Home
Donation Event; Help our Community to Live in Better Home
December 17, 2017/by adminmusOn…

We held a Celebration for Muhammad (The Prophet) Birthday
We held a Celebration for Muhammad (The Prophet) Birthday
December 13, 2017/by adminmusIt…

We Celebrate Muhammad (The Prophet) Birthday
We Celebrate Muhammad (The Prophet) Birthday
December 5, 2017/by adminmusIt…

Quran Classes to Learn Quran for Women 2017-2018
Muslims of US IRH holding classes to Learn quran for women
November 1, 2017/by adminmusMuslims…

Praying sessions and Doa and Quran Reading in October and September
In Muslims of USA IRH we hold Nodbe, Komail and Tavasol like…
October 27, 2017/by adminmus
Volunteer for assistance for spreading the concepts of our books and videos
Volunteer for Muslim of United States as assistance for spreading…
October 15, 2017/by adminmus
Ta’zieh in Umass Amherst, West mass | Ta’zieh, Between Two Rivers
Ta’zieh in West Mass, Held in Umass Amherst
Ta’zieh - Between…
September 28, 2017/by adminmusTa’zieh - Between…

Happy Al-ghadir to all
Happy Al-ghadir is here finally!
September 15, 2017/by adminmusAt…

Happy Al-ghadir is coming soon
Happy Al-ghadir
The event of Ghadir Khumm (Arabic and Persian:…
September 1, 2017/by adminmusThe event of Ghadir Khumm (Arabic and Persian:…

Happy Eid al-Adha | Arabic: عيد الأضحى, ‘Feast of the Sacrifice’
Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims
September 1, 2017/by adminmusEid…

Volunteer for Muslim of United States
Volunteer for Muslim of United States as assistance for spreading…
August 4, 2017/by adminmus
Hajj 2017
What is hajj?
noun: hajj; noun: haj;…
August 4, 2017/by adminmushajj
noun: hajj; noun: haj;…

We are welcoming Volunteers to participate in helping with Revealer TV
Volunteers needed for multi media projects
We are working…
August 4, 2017/by adminmusWe are working…

Come and volunteer at Muslim of United States
Come and volunteer at Muslim of United States as film maker or…
July 31, 2017/by adminmus
New videos from revealer tv in farsi, Sleep 1,2,3
New videos from revealer tv in farsi, Sleep 1,2,3
We have…
July 21, 2017/by adminmusWe have…

Come and volunteer at Muslim of United States as Islamic missionary
Come and volunteer at Muslim of United States as Islamic missionary
July 15, 2017/by adminmusPeople…

Al- Fitr eid and Fitr prayers
Al- Fitr eid and Fitr prayers in Amherst on eid morning
We held…
June 26, 2017/by adminmusWe held…

We held great praying nights on Qadr holly nights in west mass
We held great praying nights on Qadr holly nights in west mass
June 22, 2017/by adminmusA…

Praying event for Qadr Nights
Praying event for Qadr Nights
Join us on Qadr…
June 2, 2017/by adminmusJoin us on Qadr…
![Ramadan wallpaper 2_thumb[1]](
Happy Ramadan 2017
Happy Ramadan 2017
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the fasting…
May 26, 2017/by adminmusWhat is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the fasting…

The Muslims of US IRH Strongly condemns the Manchester terrorist attack
The Muslims of US IRH Strongly condemns the Manchester terrorist…
May 24, 2017/by adminmus
Prophet’s Birthday
Prophet's Birthday
Sunni Muslims observe the Prophet Muhammed's…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusSunni Muslims observe the Prophet Muhammed's…

The Birthday of the Prophet, The Celebration
The Birthday of the Prophet, The Celebration
On 17 Dec…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 17 Dec…

Happy rajab, Rajab Mubarak!
Happy rajab
On 28 Mar 2017
Rajab Mubarak!
In the…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 28 Mar 2017
Rajab Mubarak!
In the…

Lets pray and use everyday of Rajab
Lets pray and use everyday of Rajab
On 25 Apr 2017
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 25 Apr 2017

Islam means HEALTH & making peace the main mission of muslims
Islam means HEALTH & making peace the main mission of muslims
May 22, 2017/by adminmus…

Talk about superstitions & violence in islam
Talk about superstitions & violence in islam
On 21…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 21…

Watch our videos in Revealer TV
Watch our videos in Revealer TV
On 20 Oct 2016
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 20 Oct 2016

our recent gatherings, Doa and quran reading
our recent gatherings, Doa and quran reading
On 20…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 20…

Amherst, muslims gather to celebrate the eid
Amherst, muslims gather to celebrate the eid
On 11 Sep…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 11 Sep…

Happy Al-Ghadeer Eid
Happy Al-Ghadeer Eid
On 17 Sep 2016
Happy Al-Ghadeer…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 17 Sep 2016
Happy Al-Ghadeer…

What happened in Fitr celebration 2016 (photos)
What happened in Fitr celebration 2016 (photos)
08 Jul 2016
May 22, 2017/by adminmus08 Jul 2016

Al Fitr Eid of Ramadan 2016
Al Fitr Eid of Ramadan 2016
On 24 Jun 2016
Al Fitr…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 24 Jun 2016
Al Fitr…

Muslims of US classes to Learn quran for women
Muslims of US classes to Learn Quran for women
On 01 May…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 01 May…

Interfaith concert 2016 in UMASS Amherst in news
May 22, 2017/by adminmus
Amherst common gathering, distributing and donating books
Amherst common gathering, distributing and donating books
May 22, 2017/by adminmus…

Interfaith concert 2016 in UMASS Amherst
Interfaith concert 2016 in UMASS Amherst
On 08 Apr 2016
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 08 Apr 2016

The Story of The Forgotten Religion
The Story of The Forgotten Religion
On 07 Jan 2016
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 07 Jan 2016

717 people died and 863 were injured in a stampede near the holy city of Mecca on Thursday.
717 people died and 863 were injured in a stampede near the holy…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus
Mobarak Rabi-al-aval and donation for Muslims
Mobarak Rabi-al-aval and donation for Muslims
On 23 Dec…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 23 Dec…

IRH Association strongly condemns Paris Terrorist Attacks.
IRH Association strongly condemns Paris Terrorist Attacks.
May 22, 2017/by adminmus…

Join IRH Muslims of us Peace Campain
Join IRH Muslims of us Peace Campain
On 03 Nov 2015
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 03 Nov 2015

Revealer TV started publishing videos
Revealer TV started publishing videos
On 15 Oct 2015
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 15 Oct 2015

Muslims of usa association is planning to build a modern mosque
Muslims of usa association is planning to build a modern mosque
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn…

What happened in Amherst 17 July 2015, fitr celebration by Muslims of us IRH
May 22, 2017/by adminmus
Amherst July 2015, Iftar by Muslims of us IRH
What happened in Amherst July 2015, Iftar by Muslims of us IRH
May 22, 2017/by adminmus…

IFTAR in Amherst 2015
IFTAR in Amherst 2015 photo albums
May 22, 2017/by adminmus…

Muslims of US Ramadan events
Muslims of US Ramadan events
On 06 Jul 2015
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 06 Jul 2015

Grand Fitr Contest, Learn the meanings, earn the winnings
Grand Fitr Contest, Learn the meanings, earn the winnings
May 22, 2017/by adminmus…

IFTAR event in Amherst
IFTAR event in Amherst
IFTAR event in Amherst
May 22, 2017/by adminmusIFTAR event in Amherst

IFTAR event in Amherst by MOUS
IFTAR event in Amherst by MOUS
On 26 Jun 2015
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 26 Jun 2015
Seminars That we held in MOUS Association
Seminars That we held in MOUS Association
On 18 Jun 2015
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 18 Jun 2015
Muslims of United States association seminars in CT and Future events
Muslims of United States association seminars in CT and Future…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus
Revealer TV coming soon!!!
Revealer TV coming soon!!!
On 18 Jun 2015
We Are…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 18 Jun 2015
We Are…
Join Us in our Islamic ceremonies in MOUS Association
Join Us in our Islamic ceremonies in MOUS Association
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn…

Paper Presentation in Boston American Academy of Religion
Paper Presentation in Boston American Academy of Religion
May 22, 2017/by adminmus…

Book Distributions Reports
Book Distributions Reports
On 18 Jun 2015
Book Distributions…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 18 Jun 2015
Book Distributions…

“Vow (Nazr) in Islam” Seminar in Muslims of United States Association
"Vow (Nazr) in Islam" Seminar in Muslims of United States Association
May 22, 2017/by adminmus…
Seminar entitled “Ablution (Wuzu/ وضوء) in Islam” will be held in Muslims of United States Association
Seminar entitled "Ablution (Wuzu/ وضوء) in Islam" will…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusMuslims of US has just bought the Islam – The way of health
Muslims of US has just bought the Islam - The way of health
May 22, 2017/by adminmus…

27 rajab celebration
27 rajab celebration
On 25 Apr 2017
WE celebrate…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusOn 25 Apr 2017
WE celebrate…

Interpretation and Translation of “Hamd” and “Towhid” Surah
Interpretation and Translation of “Hamd” and "Towhid" Surah
May 22, 2017/by adminmusInterpretation…

Islam; the way of health and not submission
Islam; the way of health and not submission
Islam - The Way…
May 22, 2017/by adminmusIslam - The Way…

Alamin “الحمد لله رب العالمین ” meaning in quran
Alamin "الحمد لله رب العالمین " meaning in…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus
Meaning of Momin in quran “مؤمن”
Meaning of Momin in quran "مؤمن"
May 18, 2017/by adminmusMomin

Zanb/ Zonub “ذنوب ” meaning in quran
Zanb/ Zonub "ذنوب "
What is “Zunūb”?
May 18, 2017/by adminmusZunob
What is “Zunūb”?

The words /Nour/ & “light” in Quran “نور”
Meaning of The words /Nour/ & “light” in Quran "نور"
May 18, 2017/by adminmusNour

Meaning of tawhid al surah (توحید) in quran
Meaning of tawhid al surah (توحید) in quran
May 18, 2017/by adminmusTawhid

Kofr (کفر) & Kafir (کافر) meaning in quran
Kofr (کفر) & Kafir (کافر) meaning in quran
May 18, 2017/by adminmusKafir

Meaning of Jabar (جبّار)
Meaning of Jabar (جبّار)
If you are…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusJabbar
If you are…

The true meaning of MAKR (مکرالله) in quran
The true meaning of MAKR (مکرالله)
Have you…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusMakr
Have you…

Qalb meaning “قلب” Translation of the word Qalb in quran
Qalb meaning "قلب" Translation of the word Qalb
May 18, 2017/by adminmusQALB

Mojrim ( مجرم ) meaning in quran
Mojrim ( مجرم ) meaning in quran
In many Quran…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusIn many Quran…

What is the meaning of “ISLAM”?
Islam Meaning
What is the meaning of "ISLAM"?
May 18, 2017/by adminmusWhat is the meaning of "ISLAM"?

ZAKAT, what is it and what zakat means?
What is zakat?
Are you a Muslim?
Have you ever thought about…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusAre you a Muslim?
Have you ever thought about…

Sirat al-mostaghim الصراط المستقيم meaning in quran
Sirat al-mostaghim الصراط المستقيم meaning in quran
May 18, 2017/by adminmusserat…

Rahman (رحمن) meaning in quran
Rahman (رحمن)
The word "رحمن",…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusEtymology
The word "رحمن",…

Rahim (رحیم) Meaning in quran
Rahim (رحیم)
The word "رحیم",…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusEtymology
The word "رحیم",…

Meaning for Nur (نور) in quran
Meaning for Nur (نور)
In the translations of…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusIn the translations of…

Meaning of Karim (کریم) in quran
Karim (کریم)
The word "کریم", "Karim"…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusThe word "کریم", "Karim"…

Meaning of Samad (صمد) in Quran
Meaning of Samad (صمد) in Quran
May 18, 2017/by adminmusEtymology

Meaning of Allah (الله)
Meaning of Allah (الله)
May 18, 2017/by adminmusEtymology

Ahad (احد) Translation and meaning
Ahad (احد)
In fact it is “وحد”…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusEtymology
In fact it is “وحد”…

Religion in Islam
Religion in Islam
Investigating the…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusReligion:
Investigating the…

Islam: Religion of Health and not Submission
Islam: Religion of Health and not Submission
Islam: Religion…
May 18, 2017/by adminmusIslam: Religion…

Reba or Riba in Islam
Reba or Riba in Islam
Research procedure:
May 8, 2017/by adminmusResearch procedure:

Paper Presentation in Baltimore, American Academy of Religion, Islam: Religion of Health and Not Submission
Paper Presentation in Baltimore, American Academy of Religion,…
May 8, 2017/by adminmus
Islam: Religion of health, not submission
Islam: Religion of health, not submission
May 8, 2017/by adminmusSUMMERY OF Islam:…

Islam means Health, the consequences and differentiation
Mohammad Babaee explains the consequences
Mohammad Babaee…
May 8, 2017/by adminmusMohammad Babaee…

Ghusl (Ablution) in islam
Meaning/ Translation of Ghosl (Ablution) in english:
noun: ablution;…
May 8, 2017/by adminmusab·lu·tion
noun: ablution;…

Topic: charity
Date of presentation: 13 June 2013
May 8, 2017/by adminmusDate of presentation: 13 June 2013
Boston American Academy of Religion 2
May 8, 2017/by adminmus
Boston American Academy of Religion 1
May 8, 2017/by adminmus
Ablution in Islam
Ablution in Islam
Meaning/ Translation of Ghosl/Vozu (Ablution)…
May 8, 2017/by adminmusMeaning/ Translation of Ghosl/Vozu (Ablution)…