News and activities

Healthy Ways to Break Your Fast During Ramadan

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a sacred…
March 7, 2025/by adminmus

Ramadan Mubarak: A Time for Reflection, Community, and Spiritual Growth

As the blessed month of Ramadan approaches, we at the Muslims…
March 1, 2025/by adminmus

Celebrating the 15th of Sha’ban: A Joyous Occasion for All

Happy 15th of Sha’ban!

We congratulate the Muslim community…
February 14, 2025/by adminmus

The Month of Sha’ban: A Sacred Opportunity for Growth

At last, the blessed month of Sha’ban is upon us—one of the…
January 30, 2025/by adminmus

Eid al-Mab’ath

We warmly celebrate the blessed occasion of Eid al-Mab’ath.…
January 27, 2025/by adminmus

A Message of Support for Those Affected by the Southern California Fires

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

January 8, 2025/by adminmus

Laylat al-Ragha’ib: The Night of Wishes

Laylat al-Ragha'ib, often referred to as the "Night of Wishes,"…
January 2, 2025/by adminmus

Embrace Rajab: A Month of Sacred Opportunities

Rajab, the seventh month of the Islamic calendar, is one of the…
January 1, 2025/by adminmus

The Forgotten Religion: An Exploration of Islam’s Timeless Truths

The Forgotten Religion: A Poetic Exploration of Islam's Timeless…
December 16, 2024/by adminmus

Meaning of Zolm in Islam… #god #islam #Quran #Zolm #zalama

Here is our new videos in Tiktok. watch and follow for new updates.

August 17, 2024/by adminmus

Eid al-Ghadir Mubarak from Muslims-US IRH (Islam, Religion of Health)!

A Celebration of Guidance and Light

Dear brothers and sisters…
June 23, 2024/by adminmus

The real meaning of Torment, torture and agony in Islam

New Video: The real meaning of Torment, torture and agony in…
June 20, 2024/by adminmus

Eid Mubarak! Celebrating Eid al-Adha with IRH

From the Muslims of the Islam Religion of Health (IRH) in the…
June 10, 2024/by adminmus

New Videos in our TikTok

Checkout Muslims US IRH at Tiktok we got some updates for you.
May 21, 2024/by adminmus

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr at Muslims US IRH: A Joyous Culmination of Ramadan

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr at Muslims US IRH: A Joyous Culmination…
April 10, 2024/by adminmus

Embracing the Holiness of Ramadan 2024 with Muslims US Association IRH

Embracing the Holiness of Ramadan 2024 with Muslims US Association…
March 27, 2024/by adminmus

Embracing Ramadan 2024: A Sacred Journey of Spiritual Renewal

Embracing Ramadan 2024: A Sacred Journey of Spiritual Renewal
March 12, 2024/by adminmus

The Tale of the Forgotten Religion of Health: A Tale of Lost Wisdom

The Tale of the Forgotten Religion of Health: A Tale of Lost…
January 27, 2024/by adminmus

13th Rajab 2024

13th Rajab 2024
In the Islamic calendar, the 13th day holds…
January 26, 2024/by adminmus

Join us on TIKTOK

Join RevealerT on TIKTOK
Join us on Tiktok as we are planning…
January 24, 2024/by adminmus

New Video: The journey of Self Awareness! Where to begin?

The journey of Self Awareness! Where to begin?

January 24, 2024/by adminmus

Rajab 2024 is here!!! Join Muslims of United States IRH

Embracing the Sacred Month of Rajab: A Time of Spiritual Reflection…
January 16, 2024/by adminmus

Islam Is Peace, Compassion, and Respect for Humanity

Islam: A Religion of Peace, Compassion, and Respect for Humanity
November 13, 2023/by adminmus

Vibrant Muslim community

As a vibrant Muslim community, we come together regularly online…
November 5, 2023/by adminmus

Rajab, Shaban, and Ramadan Approaching

Rajab, Shaban, and Ramadan approaching
As the months of Rajab,…
October 28, 2023/by adminmus

Announcement for Ramadan

🌙 Exciting Announcement for Ramadan 2023! 🌙
Dear Beloved…
March 13, 2023/by adminmus

Ready for the Sacred Month of Rajab?

🌙 Get Ready for the Sacred Month of Rajab 2023! 🌙
January 3, 2023/by adminmus

Celebration of the Eid –e-Mab’as 

Celebration of the Eid –e-Mab'as 
Celebration on the Eid –e-Mab'as",…
March 1, 2022/by adminmus

Happy Rajab 2022, Rajab Mubarak!

Happy Rajab 2022, Rajab Mubarak!
Rajab Mubarak!
In the name…
February 10, 2022/by adminmus

Mawlid an-Nabawi

Mawlid an-Nabawi
Across the globe, including in the United States,…
October 24, 2021/by adminmus

New Lessons are up in Quran keywords online courses

We just added new video in Quran keywords online courses with…
August 21, 2021/by adminmus

The Reality of Quran By Mohammad Babaee | Available to download

The Reality of Quran…
July 28, 2021/by adminmus

Happy Eid-al-Adha for all Muslims around the world

Muslims of United States (IRH) wishes happy Eid-al-Adha for all…
July 19, 2021/by adminmus

The Reality of Quran By Mohammad Babaee

The Reality of Quran By Mohammad Babaee | Soon to be available…
July 18, 2021/by adminmus

Eid alfitr 2021

Eid Alfitr 2021

Based on accurate astronomical calculations,…
May 12, 2021/by adminmus

End Of Ramadan, & How you can find out.

End Of Ramadan, & How you can find out.

At the time of…
May 9, 2021/by adminmus

Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan Mobarak

Ramadan 2021 in United States began in the…
April 15, 2021/by adminmus

New video in Quran keywords online courses with M.Babaee

We just added new video in Quran keywords online courses with…
April 10, 2021/by adminmus

Mobarak Eid al-Mab’ath: The Prophecy of Prophet Mohammad

Eid al-Mab’ath: The Prophecy of Prophet Mohammad
March 10, 2021/by adminmus

Happy 13 Rajab 2021

Happy 13 Rajab 2021

13/Rajab/1442 February 25, 2021 Thursday

February 25, 2021/by adminmus

Happy Rajab 2021, Rajab Mubarak!

Happy Rajab 2021, Rajab Mubarak!
Happy rajab 2021 Date
February 15, 2021/by adminmus

New video: Farsi | The first step to understand god

The first step to understand god

February 2, 2021/by adminmus

Thanks to volunteers we have made updates to our website and contents

Thanks to volunteers we have made updates to our website and…
February 1, 2021/by adminmus

Online Classes by M.Babaee & Zoom Virtual Gatherings

Online Classes by M.Babaee on + Zoom Virtual…
December 11, 2020/by adminmus

Eid al-Ghadir Mubarak

Eid al-Ghadir Mubarak to all Muslims across the world!
August 8, 2020/by adminmus

Happy Eid al-Adha

Muslims of United States (IRH) wishes happy Eid-al-Adha for all…
July 31, 2020/by adminmus

Happy Eda-Al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr is one of the most important events in the religious…
May 26, 2020/by adminmus

Laylat Al Qadr – 2020

Laylat Al Qadr is considered the holiest night of the year for…
May 15, 2020/by adminmus

Martyrdom of Imam Ali

In Shia, the saints are the 12 successors after Prophet Muhammad.…
May 15, 2020/by adminmus

Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan starts on Thursday, April 23, 2020 in the United States.

April 26, 2020/by adminmus

Coronavirus is a scourge, an exam or an opportunity

Coronavirus is a scourge,

or an exam,

or an opportunity

March 31, 2020/by adminmus

Eid al-Mab’ath: The Prophecy of Prophet Mohammad

Eid Mubarak We wish all happy and blessed Muhammad's first revelation.…
March 22, 2020/by adminmus

Happy birthday Imam Ali

Muslims of United States (IRH) celebrated Imam Ali’s Birthday…
March 14, 2020/by adminmus

Heartbreaking Plane Crash

Our deepest condolences to the friends and families of those…
January 12, 2020/by adminmus

Birth Anniversary of Sayyida Zaynab (p)

Muslims of United States (IRH) held an event to recall and show…
January 1, 2020/by adminmus

Happy New Year 2020!

Muslims of US (IRH) wishes everyone a Happy New Year!

December 31, 2019/by adminmus

Merry Christmas Greetings

Merry Christmas

Happy splendid and miraculous birth…
December 25, 2019/by adminmus

Muhammad’s (The Prophet) Birthday Mobarak

Muhammad's (The Prophet) Birthday Mobarak

November 15, 2019/by adminmus


In muslims of US IRH we…
October 28, 2019/by adminmus

Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims In Amherst, MA 2019

Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims…
August 16, 2019/by adminmus

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr, Eid Mubarak!

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr, Eid Mubarak!

Many Muslims in the…
June 4, 2019/by adminmus

Laylat al Qadr 2019

Laylat al Qadr 2019
On Laylat al Qadr we all gather and pray…
May 24, 2019/by adminmus

Ramadan 2019 in United States to begin today

Ramadan 2019 in United States to begin today
The Quran describes…
May 5, 2019/by adminmus

Rajab is ending and our final wishes and doas

Rajab is ending and our final wishes and doas

The month…
April 4, 2019/by adminmus

27th Rajab Mobarak

27th Rajab Mobarak

27th Rajab is a highly blessed night…
April 1, 2019/by adminmus

Happy First Day of Rajab 2019, Rajab Mubarak!

Happy First Day of Rajab 2019, Rajab Mubarak!
Happy rajab 2019…
March 16, 2019/by adminmus

Wish Everybody A Happy 2019

Wish Everybody A Happy 2019

The last hours of the year 2018…
December 31, 2018/by adminmus

Happy Eid al-Adha | Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎, ‘Feast of the Sacrifice’‎

Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims

August 25, 2018/by adminmus

Eid al-Fitr celebrated in Western Mass

The holy Ramadan has ended with Eid al-Fitr to celebrate
June 15, 2018/by adminmus

Eid al-Fitr, a day of joyous prayer, fasting and celebration.

THE holy month of fasting is about to end with Eid al-Fitr

June 14, 2018/by adminmus

Happy Ramadan 2018

Happy Ramadan 2018
Ramadan Kareem is one of the holiest months…
May 16, 2018/by adminmus

Happy Rajab 2018, Rajab Mubarak!

Happy rajab

On 19 Mar 2018

Rajab Mubarak!
In the…
March 25, 2018/by adminmus

Donation Event; Help our Community to Live in Better Home

Donation Event; Help our Community to Live in Better Home
December 17, 2017/by adminmus

We held a Celebration for Muhammad (The Prophet) Birthday

We held a Celebration for Muhammad (The Prophet) Birthday

December 13, 2017/by adminmus

We Celebrate Muhammad (The Prophet) Birthday

We Celebrate Muhammad (The Prophet) Birthday

December 5, 2017/by adminmus

Quran Classes to Learn Quran for Women 2017-2018

Muslims of US IRH holding classes to Learn quran for women

November 1, 2017/by adminmus

Praying sessions and Doa and Quran Reading in October and September

In Muslims of USA IRH we hold Nodbe, Komail and Tavasol like…
October 27, 2017/by adminmus

Volunteer for assistance for spreading the concepts of our books and videos

Volunteer for Muslim of United States as assistance for spreading…
October 15, 2017/by adminmus

Ta’zieh in Umass Amherst, West mass | Ta’zieh, Between Two Rivers

Ta’zieh in West Mass, Held in Umass Amherst
Ta’zieh - Between…
September 28, 2017/by adminmus

Happy Al-ghadir to all

Happy Al-ghadir is here finally!


September 15, 2017/by adminmus

Happy Al-ghadir is coming soon

Happy Al-ghadir
The event of Ghadir Khumm (Arabic and Persian:…
September 1, 2017/by adminmus

Happy Eid al-Adha | Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎, ‘Feast of the Sacrifice’‎

Eid-e-Ghorban / Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for Muslims

September 1, 2017/by adminmus

Volunteer for Muslim of United States

Volunteer for Muslim of United States as assistance for spreading…
August 4, 2017/by adminmus

Hajj 2017

What is hajj?
noun: hajj; noun: haj;…
August 4, 2017/by adminmus

We are welcoming Volunteers to participate in helping with Revealer TV

Volunteers needed for multi media projects

We are working…
August 4, 2017/by adminmus

Come and volunteer at Muslim of United States

Come and volunteer at Muslim of United States as film maker or…
July 31, 2017/by adminmus

New videos from revealer tv in farsi, Sleep 1,2,3

New videos from revealer tv in farsi, Sleep 1,2,3

We have…
July 21, 2017/by adminmus

Come and volunteer at Muslim of United States as Islamic missionary

Come and volunteer at Muslim of United States as Islamic missionary

July 15, 2017/by adminmus

Al- Fitr eid and Fitr prayers

Al- Fitr eid and Fitr prayers in Amherst on eid morning
We held…
June 26, 2017/by adminmus

We held great praying nights on Qadr holly nights in west mass

We held great praying nights on Qadr holly nights in west mass

June 22, 2017/by adminmus

Praying event for Qadr Nights

Praying event for Qadr Nights


Join us on Qadr…
June 2, 2017/by adminmus

Happy Ramadan 2017

Happy Ramadan 2017

What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the fasting…
May 26, 2017/by adminmus

The Muslims of US IRH Strongly condemns the Manchester terrorist attack

The Muslims of US IRH Strongly condemns the Manchester terrorist…
May 24, 2017/by adminmus

Prophet’s Birthday

Prophet's Birthday
Sunni Muslims observe the Prophet Muhammed's…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

The Birthday of the Prophet, The Celebration

The Birthday of the Prophet, The Celebration

On 17 Dec…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Happy rajab, Rajab Mubarak!

Happy rajab

On 28 Mar 2017

Rajab Mubarak!
In the…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Lets pray and use everyday of Rajab

Lets pray and use everyday of Rajab

On 25 Apr 2017

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Islam means HEALTH & making peace the main mission of muslims

Islam means HEALTH & making peace the main mission of muslims

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Talk about superstitions & violence in islam

Talk about superstitions & violence in islam

On 21…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Watch our videos in Revealer TV

Watch our videos in Revealer TV

On 20 Oct 2016

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

our recent gatherings, Doa and quran reading

our recent gatherings, Doa and quran reading

On 20…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Amherst, muslims gather to celebrate the eid

Amherst, muslims gather to celebrate the eid

On 11 Sep…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Happy Al-Ghadeer Eid

Happy Al-Ghadeer Eid

On 17 Sep 2016

Happy Al-Ghadeer…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

What happened in Fitr celebration 2016 (photos)

What happened in Fitr celebration 2016 (photos)
08 Jul 2016

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Al Fitr Eid of Ramadan 2016

Al Fitr Eid of Ramadan 2016

On 24 Jun 2016

Al Fitr…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Muslims of US classes to Learn quran for women

Muslims of US classes to Learn Quran for women

On 01 May…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Interfaith concert 2016 in UMASS Amherst in news

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Amherst common gathering, distributing and donating books

Amherst common gathering, distributing and donating books

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Interfaith concert 2016 in UMASS Amherst

Interfaith concert 2016 in UMASS Amherst

On 08 Apr 2016

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

The Story of The Forgotten Religion

The Story of The Forgotten Religion

On 07 Jan 2016

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

717 people died and 863 were injured in a stampede near the holy city of Mecca on Thursday.

717 people died and 863 were injured in a stampede near the holy…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Mobarak Rabi-al-aval and donation for Muslims

Mobarak Rabi-al-aval and donation for Muslims

On 23 Dec…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

IRH Association strongly condemns Paris Terrorist Attacks.

IRH Association strongly condemns Paris Terrorist Attacks.

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Join IRH Muslims of us Peace Campain

Join IRH Muslims of us Peace Campain

On 03 Nov 2015

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Revealer TV started publishing videos

Revealer TV started publishing videos

On 15 Oct 2015

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Muslims of usa association is planning to build a modern mosque

Muslims of usa association is planning to build a modern mosque
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

What happened in Amherst 17 July 2015, fitr celebration by Muslims of us IRH

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Amherst July 2015, Iftar by Muslims of us IRH

What happened in Amherst July 2015, Iftar by Muslims of us IRH

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

IFTAR in Amherst 2015

IFTAR in Amherst 2015 photo albums

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Muslims of US Ramadan events

Muslims of US Ramadan events

On 06 Jul 2015


May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Grand Fitr Contest, Learn the meanings, earn the winnings

Grand Fitr Contest, Learn the meanings, earn the winnings

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

IFTAR event in Amherst

IFTAR event in Amherst

IFTAR event in Amherst

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

IFTAR event in Amherst by MOUS

IFTAR event in Amherst by MOUS

On 26 Jun 2015

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Seminars That we held in MOUS Association

Seminars That we held in MOUS Association

On 18 Jun 2015

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Muslims of United States association seminars in CT and Future events

Muslims of United States association seminars in CT and Future…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Revealer TV coming soon!!!

Revealer TV coming soon!!!

On 18 Jun 2015

We Are…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Join Us in our Islamic ceremonies in MOUS Association

Join Us in our Islamic ceremonies in MOUS Association

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Paper Presentation in Boston American Academy of Religion

Paper Presentation in Boston American Academy of Religion

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Book Distributions Reports

Book Distributions Reports

On 18 Jun 2015

Book Distributions…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

“Vow (Nazr) in Islam” Seminar in Muslims of United States Association

"Vow (Nazr) in Islam" Seminar in Muslims of United States Association

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Seminar entitled “Ablution (Wuzu/ وضوء) in Islam” will be held in Muslims of United States Association

Seminar entitled "Ablution (Wuzu/ وضوء) in Islam" will…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Muslims of US has just bought the Islam – The way of health

Muslims of US has just bought the Islam - The way of health

May 22, 2017/by adminmus

27 rajab celebration

27 rajab celebration

On 25 Apr 2017

WE celebrate…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Interpretation and Translation of “Hamd” and “Towhid” Surah

Interpretation and Translation of “Hamd” and "Towhid" Surah
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Islam; the way of health and not submission

Islam; the way of health and not submission
Islam - The Way…
May 22, 2017/by adminmus

Alamin “الحمد لله رب العالمین ” meaning in quran

Alamin "الحمد لله رب العالمین " meaning in…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Meaning of Momin in quran “مؤمن”

Meaning of Momin in quran "مؤمن"


May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Zanb/ Zonub “ذنوب ” meaning in quran

Zanb/ Zonub "ذنوب "


What is “Zunūb”?

May 18, 2017/by adminmus

The words /Nour/ & “light” in Quran “نور”

Meaning of The words /Nour/ & “light” in Quran "نور"


May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Meaning of tawhid al surah (توحید) in quran

Meaning of tawhid al surah (توحید) in quran


May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Kofr (کفر) & Kafir (کافر) meaning in quran

Kofr (کفر) & Kafir (کافر) meaning in quran



May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Meaning of Jabar (جبّار)

Meaning of Jabar (جبّار)


If you are…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

The true meaning of MAKR (مکرالله) in quran

The true meaning of MAKR (مکرالله)


Have you…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Qalb meaning “قلب” Translation of the word Qalb in quran

Qalb meaning "قلب" Translation of the word Qalb


May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Mojrim ( مجرم ) meaning in quran

Mojrim ( مجرم ) meaning in quran

In many Quran…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

What is the meaning of “ISLAM”?

Islam Meaning
What is the meaning of "ISLAM"?

May 18, 2017/by adminmus

ZAKAT, what is it and what zakat means?

What is zakat?
Are you a Muslim?

Have you ever thought about…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Sirat al-mostaghim الصراط المستقيم meaning in quran

Sirat al-mostaghim الصراط المستقيم meaning in quran

May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Rahman (رحمن) meaning in quran

Rahman (رحمن)


The word "رحمن",…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Rahim (رحیم) Meaning in quran

Rahim (رحیم)


The word "رحیم",…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Meaning for Nur (نور) in quran

Meaning for Nur (نور)

In the translations of…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Meaning of Karim (کریم) in quran

Karim (کریم)

The word "کریم", "Karim"…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Meaning of Samad (صمد) in Quran

Meaning of Samad (صمد) in Quran


May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Meaning of Allah (الله)

Meaning of Allah (الله)


May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Ahad (احد) Translation and meaning

Ahad (احد)


In fact it is “وحد”…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Religion in Islam

Religion in Islam


Investigating the…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Islam: Religion of Health and not Submission

Islam: Religion of Health and not Submission
Islam: Religion…
May 18, 2017/by adminmus

Reba or Riba in Islam

Reba or Riba in Islam

Research procedure:

May 8, 2017/by adminmus

Paper Presentation in Baltimore, American Academy of Religion, Islam: Religion of Health and Not Submission

Paper Presentation in Baltimore, American Academy of Religion,…
May 8, 2017/by adminmus

Islam: Religion of health, not submission

Islam: Religion of health, not submission

May 8, 2017/by adminmus

Islam means Health, the consequences and differentiation

Mohammad Babaee explains the consequences

Mohammad Babaee…
May 8, 2017/by adminmus

Ghusl (Ablution) in islam

Meaning/ Translation of Ghosl (Ablution) in english:


noun: ablution;…
May 8, 2017/by adminmus


Topic: charity
Date of presentation: 13 June 2013

May 8, 2017/by adminmus

Boston American Academy of Religion 2

May 8, 2017/by adminmus

Boston American Academy of Religion 1

May 8, 2017/by adminmus

Ablution in Islam

Ablution in Islam
Meaning/ Translation of Ghosl/Vozu (Ablution)…
May 8, 2017/by adminmus


We’d love to keep you updated with our latest news! We promise we’ll never spam. Just news and updates!